BSIT200: Week 2 Posting - Do the graphical elements introduced in Windows operating systems help or harm productivity?

It can be argued that the Windows Graphical User interface is responsible for making computers accessible to, and usable by, most non-technical people by hiding the complexities of the underlying operating system with a pleasant intuitive interface. You don't have to know what model of CPU you have or how much RAM is installed in order to send Mom an email, or search google for a recipe. On the other hand, by hiding complexity behind an easy to use interface, Microsoft has also removed any need for the average end user to understand how computers work, or what they are capable of doing, much to the consternation of many Technical Support Personnel. In my personal experience using computers, as well as in the experience of my customers over the years, productivity does seem to be impacted by the quality and usability of the GUI. Both Microsoft and Apple employ User Interface (UI) Designers just to ensure that the look, feel, and end user experience of their products keeps the users using their products, which opens the companies to future sales of add-ons, applications and services.    

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